Vote For The Future

Charon 4 us!

Let's do Something Different!

About Charon Gadsden

Leadership. Experiences. Values!

Born in New Jersey, I relocated to the Lowcountry at the age of sixteen and had the privilege of graduating from St. Stephen High School.  It was that transition and experience that helped me develop a love for this community and the people in it.  Raising three wonderful adult children has been my greatest accomplishment but having two awesome grandchildren is my greatest joy.  

  • Revamp, restructure, and reintroduce St. Stephen’s recreation and extracurricular activities department.
  • Establish a more accommodating and inviting facility for senior citizens.
  • Structure a plan for business retention in collaboration with local business owners.
  • Create diverse opportunities for local organizations and non-profits to encourage a greater level of community involvement.
  • Create a resource hub for veterans, citizens with heirs’ property concerns, and access to various need-based services.

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