About Me

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Let's Do Something Different!

As a member of the community, Charon Gadsden is very passionate about being a part of the growth and expansion that is coming to St. Stephen.  She knows there is a great deal that can be accomplished as citizens and believes that running for the office of Mayor would give her the opportunity to contribute to the change many of the community members would love to see. Unifying the town, addressing the needs of its senior citizens, and creating more opportunities for the youth are just a few concerns she has for the constituents in the St. Stephen and surrounding areas.  Gadsden is also interested in providing resources for the local business owners to help ensure their longevity in the community as well as beautifying the town. 

As a die-hard entrepreneur and businesswomen, leadership in any form is a welcomed endeavor. Serving the community in various forms of business has afforded her the opportunity to connect with its citizens on a more personable level.  From leading as President/Vice-President of PTOs and School Improvement Council (SIC), while partnering with the Reading Partners as a volunteer tutor, to serving on the Board of Trustees for the Berkeley County Library Systems, Gadsden believes every role has helped her to do what she loves most: Serve the community. 

About Charon Gadsden

Born in New Jersey, I relocated to the Lowcountry at the age of sixteen and had the privilege of graduating from St. Stephen High School.  It was that transition and experience that helped me develop a love for this community and the people in it.  Raising three wonderful adult children has been my greatest accomplishment but having two awesome grandchildren is my greatest joy.  

I enjoy early morning walks around town, listening to inspirational music and messages, funny movies, and quiet time alone in nature.  While spending time alone is very rewarding, sitting with the elderly, teaching children lessons from the Bible, and helping people start businesses are serious passions for me.  

  • Revamp, restructure, and reintroduce St. Stephen’s recreation and extracurricular activities department.
  • Establish a more accommodating and inviting facility for senior citizens.
  • Structure a plan for business retention in collaboration with local business owners.
  • Create diverse opportunities for local organizations and non-profits to encourage a greater level of community involvement.
  • Create a resource hub for veterans, citizens with heirs’ property concerns, and access to various need-based services.
Core Values:
Leadership Experience:
Volunteer | Civic Service:
  • Former Vice-President Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) – Berkeley Intermediate School
  • Former Youth Ministry Director – AWF Ministries
  • Look Good Feel Better – Charleston, SC
  • Former Vice-President/President School Improvement Council (SIC) – Timberland High School
  • Volunteer of the Year Award – Timberland High School
  • Volunteer of the Year Award – Timberland High School
  • Former Vice-President Charleston National Association of Real Estate Brokers – Charleston, SC
  • Reading Partners – St. Stephen Elementary School
  • Former Children’s Ministry Instructor – Pointe North Church
  • Former Vice-President –
  • Friends of the Berkeley County Library Systems
  • Board of Trustees – Berkeley County Library Systems
  • Free Tax Preparation – Trident United Way
  • Director/Volunteer – Real Change Ministries
Favorite Causes:
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